100 Envelope Challenge Printable

Oh my goodness, have you heard about the 100 envelope challenge?! It’s all over Etsy and Pinterest and I am just dying to give it a try. Basically, you save up $5,000 over 100 days by putting $50 in a different envelope each day. Sounds simple enough, right?

Envelope tracker #1

100 Envelope Challenge PDF Printable Budget PrintableOkay, so the first step is to get your hands on a printable envelope tracker like this one. I mean, you could totally make one yourself, but let’s be real…who has the time or creativity for that?

Envelope tracker #2

100 Envelope Challenge Savings Tracker PrintableOnce you have your trusty tracker, it’s time to start saving! I mean, you could just use any old envelopes, but where’s the fun in that? Go ahead and treat yourself to some fancy ones, like these cute little guys.

Envelope tracker #3

100 Envelope Challenge Save 5050 Dollars BudgetingNow, let’s talk strategy. Some people like to start with the bigger amounts and work their way down. Others prefer to divide the money evenly among the envelopes. The choice is yours, my friend.

Envelope tracker #4

The 100 Envelope: Money Savings Challenge TrackerOne thing I will say, though, is that you’ll definitely want to keep track of which envelopes you’ve filled and which ones you still need to fill. This tracker right here will be your best friend.

Envelope tracker #5

Printable 100 Envelope ChallengeAnd don’t worry if you miss a day or two. Life happens. Just pick up where you left off and keep on saving.

Envelope tracker #6

Printable 100 Envelope Challenge TrackerBefore you know it, you’ll have saved up that $5,000 and you can treat yourself to something nice. Or, you know, be responsible and put it towards bills or savings or something boring like that.

Envelope tracker #7

100 Envelope Savings Challenge Tracker Printable US LetterBut honestly, the real prize will be the satisfaction of knowing that you stuck to a savings plan for 100 days straight. Go you!

Envelope tracker #8

100 Envelope Savings Challenge Tracker Money Challenge SaveSo if you’re feeling up for a challenge, give the 100 envelope challenge a try. Who knows, it could be just the thing you need to kickstart your savings journey.

Envelope tracker #9

Printable 100 Envelope ChallengeAnd if you need a little extra motivation, just remind yourself of all the cute stationary you’ll get to buy. I mean, priorities, am I right?

Envelope tracker #10

100 Day Envelope Challenge Printable - Printable Word SearchesHappy saving, my friends!