2 7/8 Pipe Saddle Template Printable

If you’re in the welding and cutting industry, you know how important it is to have accurate and precise measurements when creating pipe saddles. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled some of the best resources on the web for pipe saddle templates and layouts. Check out these 10 resources to help you make the perfect pipe saddle.

Pin on Welding & Cutting

WeldingFirst up is this great Pinterest board that has all kinds of ideas for welding and cutting. There are several pins specifically dedicated to pipe saddle templates and layouts that you won’t want to miss.

Pipe Saddle Layout Template

Pipe Saddle Layout TemplateThis helpful image shows a pipe saddle layout template with measurements and angles marked out. Use it to make sure your pipe saddles fit perfectly.

30 Printable Pipe Saddle Templates

Printable Pipe Saddle TemplatesIf you prefer to have a physical template to work with, these 30 printable pipe saddle templates are a great option. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit different pipe dimensions.

Making Pipe Saddle Template

Making Pipe Saddle TemplateIn this helpful tutorial, you’ll learn step-by-step how to create your own pipe saddle template using paper and a few basic tools. It’s a great option if you don’t have access to pre-made templates.

Pipefitter Com Templates and Patterns

Pipefitter Com Templates and PatternsFor a more professional set of templates and patterns, check out this resource from Pipefitter.com. They offer a variety of different templates, including a 12-saddle test template.

Pipe Saddle Template Modification

Pipe Saddle Template ModificationIf you have a pre-existing pipe saddle template that isn’t quite perfect, this video tutorial will show you how to modify it to fit your needs. It’s a great option if you don’t want to start from scratch.

12 Pipe Saddle Template

12 Pipe Saddle TemplateThis resource offers a 12-saddle pipe template that you can use for a variety of different pipe sizes. They also offer helpful tips and instructions on how to use the template effectively.

Make Pipe Saddle Template

Make Pipe Saddle TemplateSimilar to the tutorial we mentioned earlier, this resource offers step-by-step instructions on how to make your own pipe saddle template out of cardboard or foam board. It’s a great option if you don’t want to spend money on pre-made templates.

The Manual Method for Designing a Pipe to Pipe Branch?!!

Manual MethodIf you’re looking for a more old-school method for creating pipe saddles, this resource offers a manual method that involves a bit of math and some basic geometry. It’s a great option if you don’t have access to pre-made templates or computer software.

30 Printable Pipe Saddle Templates (Patent US Pipe Cutting Template Google Patentler)

30 Printable Pipe Saddle TemplatesFinally, this resource offers 30 different printable pipe saddle templates that are quick and easy to use. Simply print them out, cut them to size, and start welding.

With these 10 resources at your disposal, you’ll have everything you need to create accurate and precise pipe saddles for all your welding and cutting projects. Happy welding!