Adjective List Printable

Adjectives are an essential part of language. They are words that describe or modify nouns or pronouns, and using the right adjectives can make language more descriptive and colorful.

List of Adjective Ideas

adjective listOne of the ways to expand your vocabulary and improve your writing skills is to use a variety of adjectives. Here are some ideas:

  • Color: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, black, white, gray, brown, beige
  • Size: big, small, tiny, huge, giant, little, tall, short, long, wide, narrow
  • Shape: round, square, rectangular, oblong, triangular, oval, cylindrical
  • Texture: smooth, rough, soft, hard, bumpy, lumpy, prickly, prickly, silky
  • Sound: loud, quiet, soft, gentle, harsh, shrill, buzzing, humming, whistling, hissing, creaking, clicking
  • Taste: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy, bland, tangy, savory
  • Smell: pleasant, unpleasant, sweet, sour, musty, fresh, floral, fruity, spicy, earthy
  • Feelings: happy, sad, angry, scared, excited, calm, nervous, bored, surprised, amused, confused
  • Personality: friendly, generous, kind, loyal, honest, intelligent, creative, funny, charming, rude, selfish
  • Time: new, old, ancient, modern, contemporary, futuristic
  • Quantity: few, many, numerous, several, countless, abundant, scarce, little, much, enough
  • Degree: high, low, intense, mild, extreme, moderate, weak, strong, potent
  • Location: near, far, close, distant, local, regional, national, international, rural, urban
  • Movement: fast, slow, quick, rapid, gradual, steady, sluggish, snail-like, lightning fast
  • Weather: sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, hot, cold, warm, freezing, humid

popular adjectives in EnglishAside from the typical adjectives, there are many popular adjectives you can use in your everyday writing or conversation. Here is a list of 200 popular adjectives in English:

  • abandoned
  • able
  • absolute
  • adorable
  • adventurous
  • academic
  • acceptable
  • acclaimed
  • accomplished
  • accurate
  • aching
  • acidic
  • acrobatic
  • active
  • actual
  • adept
  • admirable
  • admired
  • adorable
  • advanced
  • afraid
  • affectionate
  • aged
  • aggravating
  • aggressive
  • agile
  • agonizing
  • agreeable
  • aimless
  • airy
  • alarmed
  • alarming
  • alert
  • alienated
  • alive
  • all
  • altruistic
  • amazing
  • ambitious
  • amiable
  • ample
  • amusing
  • anchored
  • ancient
  • angelic
  • angry
  • anguished
  • animated
  • annual
  • another
  • antique
  • anxious
  • any
  • apprehensive
  • appropriate
  • apt
  • arid
  • aromatic
  • artistic
  • ashamed
  • assured
  • astonishing
  • athletic
  • attentive
  • attractive
  • austere
  • authentic
  • authorized
  • automatic
  • avaricious
  • average
  • aware
  • awesome
  • awful
  • awkward
  • babyish
  • back
  • bad
  • baggy
  • bald
  • bare
  • barren
  • basic
  • beat
  • beautiful
  • belated
  • beloved
  • beneficial
  • bent
  • berserk
  • best
  • better
  • bewildered
  • big
  • big-hearted
  • biodegradable
  • bitter
  • bland
  • blank
  • blaring
  • bleak
  • blind
  • blissful
  • blond
  • blue
  • blushing
  • bogus
  • boiling
  • bold
  • bony
  • boring
  • bossy
  • both
  • bouncy
  • bountiful
  • boyish
  • brave
  • breakable
  • breezy
  • brief
  • bright
  • brilliant
  • brisk
  • broken
  • bronze
  • brown
  • bruised
  • bubbly
  • bulky
  • bumpy
  • buoyant
  • burdensome
  • burly
  • bustling
  • busy
  • buttery
  • buzzing
  • cagey
  • calculating
  • callous
  • calm
  • candid
  • canine
  • capital
  • carefree
  • careful
  • careless
  • caring
  • cautious
  • cavernous
  • celebrated
  • charming
  • cheap
  • cheerful
  • cheery
  • chemical
  • chewy
  • chilly
  • chivalrous
  • chubby
  • circular
  • classic
  • clean
  • clear
  • clever
  • close
  • closed
  • cloudy
  • clueless
  • clumsy
  • cluttered
  • coarse
  • cold
  • colorful
  • colorless
  • colossal
  • comfortable
  • common
  • compassionate
  • competent
  • complete
  • complex
  • complicated
  • composed
  • concerned
  • concrete
  • confused
  • conscious
  • considerate
  • constant
  • content
  • conventional
  • cooked
  • cool
  • cooperative
  • coordinated
  • corny
  • corrupt
  • costly
  • courageous
  • courteous
  • crafty
  • crazy
  • creamy
  • creative
  • creepy
  • criminal
  • crisp
  • critical
  • crocked
  • crooked
  • crowded
  • cruel
  • crushing
  • cuddly
  • cultivated
  • cumbersome
  • curious
  • curly
  • curved
  • curvy
  • cute
  • cylindrical
  • damaged
  • damp
  • dangerous
  • dapper
  • dark
  • dazzling
  • dead
  • deadpan
  • deafening
  • dear
  • dearest
  • decent
  • decimal
  • decisive
  • deep
  • defeated
  • defective
  • defenseless
  • defensive
  • defiant
  • deficient
  • definite
  • definitive
  • delayed
  • delectable
  • delicious
  • delightful
  • delirious
  • demanding
  • dense
  • dental
  • dependable
  • dependent
  • descriptive
  • deserted
  • detailed
  • determined
  • devoted
  • different
  • difficult
  • digital
  • diligent
  • dim
  • diminutive
  • direct
  • dirty
  • disappointing
  • disastrous
  • discrete
  • disfigured
  • disgusting
  • disheveled
  • dismal
  • distant
  • distinct
  • distorted
  • distracting
  • distressed
  • disturbed
  • dizzy
  • docile
  • dramatic
  • dreary
  • droopy
  • dry
  • dual
  • dull
  • dutiful
  • dynamic
  • each
  • eager
  • early
  • earnest
  • easy
  • easy-going
  • eatable
  • economic
  • ecstatic
  • edible
  • educated
  • elaborate
  • elastic
  • elated
  • elderly
  • electric
  • electrical
  • electronic
  • elegant
  • elementary
  • elliptical
  • embarrassed
  • embellished
  • eminent
  • emotional
  • empty
  • enchanted
  • enchanting
  • encouraging
  • endurable
  • energetic
  • enlightened
  • enormous
  • enraged
  • entertaining
  • enthusiastic
  • envious
  • equal
  • equatorial
  • essential
  • esteemed
  • ethereal
  • ethical
  • euphoric
  • even
  • evergreen
  • everlasting
  • every
  • evil
  • exalted
  • excellent
  • excitable
  • excited
  • exciting
  • exclusive
  • exotic
  • expensive
  • experienced
  • expert
  • extra-large
  • extra-small
  • extraneous
  • extroverted
  • exuberant
  • fabulous
  • failing
  • faint
  • fair
  • faithful
  • familiar
  • famous
  • fancy
  • fantastic
  • far
  • far-flung
  • far-off
  • fast
  • fat
  • fatal
  • fatherly
  • favorable
  • favorite
  • fearful
  • fearless
  • feisty
  • feline
  • female
  • feminine
  • few
  • fickle
  • filthy
  • fine
  • finished
  • firm
  • first
  • firsthand
  • fitting
  • fixed
  • flaky
  • flamboyant
  • flashy
  • flat
  • flawed
  • flawless
  • flickering
  • flimsy
  • flippant
  • flowery
  • fluent
  • fluttering
  • foamy
  • focused
  • fond
  • foolhardy
  • foolish
  • forceful
  • forest
  • forked
  • formal
  • fortunate
  • fragile
  • frail
  • frank
  • frayed
  • free
  • French
  • fresh
  • friendly
  • frightened
  • frightening
  • frigid
  • frilly
  • frivolous