Free Printable Lisa Frank Coloring Pages

Okay people, buckle up and get ready to enter the magical world of Lisa Frank - where unicorns, rainbows, and kittens rule the land. And luckily for us, we’ve got some awesome printable coloring pages to bring the fever dream to life. Let’s dive in!

First up, we’ve got a classic Lisa Frank design featuring a group of adorable animals in a tree.

Lisa Frank animals in a tree coloring pageDo you see that frog with the sunglasses? He’s living his best life, and so can you when you add some color to this page. Just imagine a bright green frog, a vibrant blue bird, and a hot pink tree (hey, anything goes in Lisa Frank world).

Next, we’ve got a funky jungle scene filled with vibrant flowers and funky animals.

Lisa Frank jungle coloring pageCheck out that cool cat with the shades! And the zebra with a rainbow mane? It’s like a Lisa Frank fever dream come to life. Plus, with all those flowers, you better break out some bright yellows and pinks to bring this page to life.

This next page features a precious puppy, surrounded by hearts and flowers.

Lisa Frank puppy coloring pageThis sweet pup is sure to make your heart melt. Just imagine those little hearts around him in shades of purple, pink, and red. And with all those flowers, why not go for a rainbow of colors? This page is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

Up next, we’ve got a group of animals hanging out in a forest.

Lisa Frank forest coloring pageThere’s so much going on in this wild scene! From a rainbow-striped bear to a funky purple owl, there’s plenty to keep your coloring hand busy. And who knows what kind of creatures are hiding in the background - it’s like a seek-and-find game!

Looking for something a little wackier? Check out this page featuring a funky cat and a bunch of abstract shapes.

Lisa Frank cat and shapes coloring pageThis page is an explosion of color and wild shapes. Just imagine a neon green cat with a purple zigzag in the background. Or go for a bold blue and orange to really make those shapes pop. Who needs realistic coloring books when you can let your imagination run wild like this?

Next up, we’ve got a group of sea creatures in an underwater paradise.

Lisa Frank sea creatures coloring pageFrom a whimsical seahorse to a starfish with a rainbow pattern, this page is sure to make a splash. Break out the blues and greens to give those ocean waves some life, and let your creativity take over from there.

Who doesn’t love a good unicorn? Check out this colorful page featuring a funky unicorn and a dreamy background.

Lisa Frank unicorn coloring pageThis one is an explosion of pastels and glittery goodness. Just imagine a cotton-candy pink unicorn with purple and blue highlights in his mane. And that background? Let your imagination run wild with a rainbow of colors and plenty of glitter.

Last but certainly not least, we’ve got a Lisa Frank classic featuring all sorts of animals partying together in a fun-filled scene.

Lisa Frank animal party coloring pageFrom a funky giraffe to a sassy monkey, this page has something for everyone. And with all those balloons and stars, you can really go for broke with your coloring choices - let your imagination run wild!

So there you have it, folks - a magical world filled with Lisa Frank goodness. Whether you’re in the mood for puppies or unicorns, sea creatures or forest animals, there’s something for everyone in this collection. So grab your favorite coloring tools and go to town - the world of Lisa Frank is waiting for you!