Free Printable Number Lines

Hey y’all, check out these dope number line templates we found! Whether you’re a student or a teacher, these printable templates are perfect for math class. Math can be confusing sometimes, but these number lines make it so much easier to understand. Let’s dive into some of our favorites!

Printable Blank Number Line Templates for Math Students and Teachers

Printable Blank Number Line Templates for Math Students and TeachersFirst up, we have a fantastic set of blank number line templates from Pinterest. These printable templates are customizable and perfect for all math levels. Use them to teach your students about negative and positive numbers, decimals, fractions, and more. The options are endless with these templates.

10 Best Number Lines 0 20 Printable Free

10 Best Number Lines 0 20 Printable FreeThe second set of number lines we found are from They have graciously put together the 10 best number lines from 0 to 20 that you can print for free. Each number line features cute and colorful graphics, which can be great for younger children who are just starting to learn about numbers. Print out a few copies for your students or your little ones to practice their counting skills.

5 Best Images of Free Printable Number Line Worksheets

5 Best Images of Free Printable Number Line WorksheetsIf you’re looking for some worksheets to accompany your number lines, check out this set from Featuring five different printable templates, these worksheets are perfect for practicing addition, subtraction, and more. As an added bonus, they’re all free!

45 Best Number Lines Images on Pinterest

45 Best Number Lines Images on PinterestFor even more number line inspiration, head over to Pinterest and check out this collection of 45 different number lines. From basic number lines to more complex ones featuring fractions and decimals, there’s sure to be something for everyone. Plus, all of these templates are printable, so you can use them in your classroom or at home.

Printable Blank Number Line

Printable Blank Number LineAnother great set of blank number lines comes from Pinterest. These templates are perfect for teaching your students about order of operations, comparing numbers, and more. You can even print out multiple copies and have your students work together to create their own number lines.

Kindergarten Math Printables

Kindergarten Math PrintablesIf you’re a kindergarten teacher, these math printables from are a must-have. Featuring number lines from 0 to 20, these printables can be used to teach counting, addition, and subtraction in a fun and engaging way. Print out a bunch and let your little ones get to work!

Free Printable Number Line

Free Printable Number LineIf you’re on a budget (who isn’t), you’ll love this free printable number line from Featuring numbers from 0 to 20, this number line is perfect for younger children who are just starting to learn about numbers. Print out a copy for your little ones or your students and watch as they master their counting skills.

Printable Number Line Template Pdf

Printable Number Line Template PdfLastly, we have another great set of printable number line templates from These templates come in PDF form, making them easy to print and use in your classroom or at home. They’re perfect for teaching your students about fractions, decimals, and negative numbers.

Well, there you have it, y’all! Our top picks for number line templates. Whether you’re a teacher or a student, these printable templates are sure to make math class a little bit easier. Have fun printing them out and using them in your lessons!