Free Printable Printable Clothing Drawer Labels

Hi there! Are you tired of digging through your child’s messy dresser every time you need to find a specific article of clothing? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Today, I want to share with you some great ideas for organizing your kids’ clothes using printable drawer labels.

Labeling Your Drawers

The first step to organizing your kids’ clothes is to label each drawer. This can be a tedious process, but trust me, it will make your life so much easier in the long run. These labels will not only help you keep track of what you have in each drawer, but they will also make it easier for your kids to help keep their clothes organized.

labeled kid’s dresserOne option for labeling your drawers is to use printable labels like the ones found here. These labels are cute and colorful, and they come in a variety of styles to fit your child’s interests. Simply print out the labels, cut them out, and use double-sided tape to attach them to your dresser drawers.

Sorting Your Clothes

Once your drawers are labeled, it’s time to sort your clothes. You can sort them by type (pants, shirts, socks), by color, or by season. Whatever sorting method you choose, be consistent and stick to it. This will make it easier to find clothes when you need them.

labeled kid’s dresserIf you have multiple kids sharing a dresser, you can assign each child a certain number of drawers or a specific color label to make it easier for them to find their clothes. This will also help them take responsibility for keeping their clothes organized.

Organizing Baby Clothes

Organizing baby clothes can be especially challenging because babies grow and change so quickly. One tip is to sort baby clothes into labeled bins based on size and season. This way, you can easily swap out clothes as your baby grows and the seasons change.

labeled baby clothesIf you want to take your organization to the next level, you can also create a system for tracking when your baby has outgrown certain sizes. For example, you can use clothespins to attach labels to each item of clothing indicating the size and the month your baby will likely outgrow it.

Making Your Labels

If you can’t find pre-made labels that fit your needs, you can create your own using a computer and a printer. Simply design a label in a word processing or graphic design program, print it out on cardstock or label paper, and cut it to size.

custom drawer labelsIf you’re feeling extra crafty, you can also create your labels by hand using markers, stickers, or other embellishments. This is a great way to get your kids involved in the process and let them personalize their labels to fit their style.

More Organizational Tips

Labeling your drawers is just one step in the process of organizing your kids’ clothes. Here are a few more tips to help you keep things tidy:

  • Regularly go through your child’s clothes and donate or toss items that no longer fit or are in poor condition.
  • Store out-of-season clothes in labeled bins or vacuum-sealed bags to save space in your child’s dresser.
  • Assign a designated laundry basket or hamper for dirty clothes so they don’t end up on the floor or mixed in with clean clothes.
  • Create a system for storing and organizing accessories like socks, hair bows, and belts.
  • Encourage your kids to help with the organization process and praise them for a job well done.


Organizing your kids’ clothes may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and a little effort, you can create a system that works for your family. Using printable drawer labels is an easy and affordable way to get started, and it can help you stay on track as you sort and store your clothes. Happy organizing!