Free Printable Simple One Page Lease Agreement

Hey y’all!

So, I’ve been on a hunt for the perfect lease agreement and let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey. But fear not, my fellow renters, for I have found some pretty hilarious lease agreements along the way. And of course, being the comedian that I am, I just had to share them with you all. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some good laughs.

Simple One Page Lease Agreement

Simple One Page Lease AgreementFirst up, we have the “simple” one page lease agreement. I mean, come on, who are they trying to fool with this? If by simple they mean tiny font and a million legal terms, then I guess they succeeded. But hey, at least they didn’t try to sneak in any subliminal messages or anything…or did they?

Andrewazzopardi Review

Andrewazzopardi ReviewNext, we have the Andrewazzopardi review. Now, I have no idea who this guy is or why he’s reviewing lease agreements, but I gotta say, I trust him. I mean, just look at that serious face he’s making. He’s obviously a professional lease agreement reviewer, duh.

Free Simple (1 Page) Lease Agreement Template

Free Simple (1 Page) Lease Agreement TemplateAh, the classic “free simple” lease agreement template. I mean, who doesn’t love free stuff, right? But let’s not forget that there’s always a catch. In this case, the catch is that you have to decipher all the legal jargon on your own. So, good luck with that.

Simple One Page Lease Agreement (Again)

Simple One Page Lease Agreement (Again)Okay, so I know we already talked about the “simple” one page lease agreement, but I just had to share this hilarious meme I found about it. I mean, you can’t deny the truth behind this. It’s like the lease agreement was purposely designed to suck all the joy out of renting. But at least we have memes to make it all better.

Free Simple Rental Agreement Template

Free Simple Rental Agreement TemplateUp next, we have another “free simple” rental agreement template. But this time, it comes with a bonus surprise - a creepy hand reaching out for your signature. I mean, I get that they’re trying to make it look official and all, but that hand just gives me the heebie jeebies. Can we please stick to normal signatures?

One Page Lease Agreement Template

One Page Lease Agreement TemplateNow, this lease agreement template claims to be one page, but is it really? I mean, look at all that empty space at the bottom. Did they really need to stretch the document out like that? Or did they just want to make it seem like it’s longer and more official than it really is? Hmm…

Rental Agreement Template

Rental Agreement TemplateThis rental agreement template looks pretty straightforward, right? Well, until you get to the section about not using the property for any “immoral purposes”. Hmm, what exactly counts as an immoral purpose? Watching too much Netflix? Eating too much pizza? We need answers!

Blank Lease Agreement Free Printable

Blank Lease Agreement Free PrintableOkay, so this blank lease agreement is pretty standard, but the fact that it’s labeled as both “free download” and “free printable” just cracks me up. I mean, do they think we’re all still living in the 90s and printing everything out on our dot matrix printers?

Free Tennessee Residential Lease Agreement

Free Tennessee Residential Lease AgreementAnd last but not least, we have the free Tennessee residential lease agreement. Now, I have no qualms with this one, but I just had to include it because of the state name. I mean, Tennessee? More like Tenants-see, am I right?

Well, that’s all folks! I hope you had as much fun reading about these hilarious lease agreements as I did finding them. Now, go out there and sign yourselves some legally binding documents with a smile on your face.