Ohio State Football Schedule 2021 2022 Printable

It’s that time of year again, Buckeyes nation! I don’t know about you, but I am more than ready for some Ohio State football. And what better way to get excited for the upcoming season than by taking a look at the schedule for 2022?

The Best 10 Ohio State Football Schedule 2022

Ohio State Football Schedule 2022The 2022 season is shaping up to be a good one for the Buckeyes. They will be playing some tough opponents, but we all know that Ohio State’s team is up to the challenge. Let’s take a look at the top 10 games to watch this year:

  1. Season Opener against University of Alabama-Birmingham
  2. Home game against Rutgers University
  3. Away game against University of Nebraska
  4. Home game against Purdue University
  5. Away game against University of Michigan
  6. Home game against Penn State University
  7. Away game against Michigan State University
  8. Home game against Indiana University
  9. Away game against University of Maryland
  10. Home game against University of Wisconsin

Ohio State Buckeyes Football Future Schedules

Ohio State Buckeyes Future Football SchedulesLooking even further ahead, Ohio State has some exciting matchups scheduled in the coming years. Some highlights include a 2023 game at home against Notre Dame and a 2024 matchup against the University of Texas. We’ll definitely be marking our calendars for those games!

Critical Ohio State Football Schedule Printable

Ohio State Football Schedule Print-OutIf you’re like me, you like to have a physical copy of the schedule for easy reference. And with this printable version, you’ll never miss a game. Just print it out and hang it on your fridge, or take it to work to show your Buckeyes pride!

Ohio State Football 2021 Results

Ohio State Football 2021 ResultsLast year’s season was full of ups and downs for the Buckeyes, but they still managed to finish strong with a win against the University of Utah in the Rose Bowl. It’s clear that the team has some serious talent, and we can’t wait to see what they’ll accomplish this year.

Predicting Ohio State Football’s 2021 Two-Deep

Ohio State Football PredictionsOf course, part of the fun of being a Buckeyes fan is making predictions about how the team will perform each year. While no one can say for sure what will happen, many experts are predicting that Ohio State will have a strong showing this season. We’ll just have to wait and see!

Ohio State Completes 2020 and 2021 Schedules

Ohio State Football SchedulesLooking back on the past few years, it’s clear that Ohio State has been busy putting together some top-notch schedules. And with the 2020 and 2021 schedules now complete, there’s no doubt that fans will be in store for some exciting games. We can’t wait!

Wisconsin Badgers Basketball Schedule 2018 Printable

Wisconsin Badgers Basketball Schedule 2018 PrintableWhile basketball season may be a ways off, it’s never too early to start getting psyched up for the upcoming season. And with this handy printable schedule, you’ll always know when the Badgers are playing. Go team!

University of Nebraska Football Schedule 2022 - Printable Schedule 2022

University of Nebraska Football Schedule 2022Of course, we can’t forget about the other teams in the Big Ten. And with this printable schedule for the University of Nebraska’s 2022 football season, you can keep track of all the games you won’t want to miss. It’s going to be an exciting season all around!

Ohio State Football Schedule 2021 Printable

Ohio State Football Schedule 2021 PrintableAnd last but not least, we have a printable schedule for Ohio State’s 2021 football season. With all these printable schedules, you’ll never miss a game. So sit back, relax, and get ready to cheer on the Buckeyes!

Well, folks, that’s all for now. But with all these exciting schedules and upcoming games, it’s clear that we have an action-packed season ahead of us. Go Bucks!