Printable 100 Envelope Challenge Tracker

Oh hey there, fam! I have an amazing savings challenge that you guys need to check out. It’s called the 100 Envelope Challenge and it’s perfect for anyone who wants to save some serious cash. I mean, who doesn’t want to see those dollars pile up, am I right?

Get on board with the 100 Envelope Challenge

So, here’s how it works: you pick a savings goal, whether it’s $1,000 or $5,000, and then divide it by 100. Each envelope represents that amount. For example, if your goal is $1,000, each envelope would be worth $10. You then label each envelope with a number, from 1 to 100, and place the appropriate amount of cash in each envelope. Easy, right?

100 Envelope Savings Challenge Tracker PrintableBut wait, there’s more! You can actually turn this into a fun challenge by switching up the rules. For instance, you could start with envelope number 100 and work your way backwards. Or, you could randomly select envelopes to open. There are so many variations you can try to keep things interesting.

Track your progress with these printable trackers

Of course, you’ll want to keep track of your savings progress. And lucky for you, there are tons of printable trackers available online. Check out this one from Jerlyn Phan:

Printable 100 Envelope Savings Challenge TrackerOr this one from Swift Salary:

100 Envelope Challenge Guide, Variations, TrackersThe best part? Most of these are completely free and super easy to use. All you have to do is print them out and start tracking your progress.

Don’t forget about the 50 Envelope Challenge

Now, if the 100 Envelope Challenge seems a little daunting, don’t worry! There’s also a 50 Envelope Challenge that you can try. The rules are pretty similar, but you only need to save half of what you would for the 100 Envelope Challenge.

50 Envelope Challenge Instant Download Printable PDF Budget TrackerHere’s a printable tracker from Etsy that you can use:

50 Envelope Challenge Printable PDFAs with the 100 Envelope Challenge, there are plenty of ways to make this a fun challenge. You can start with envelope number 50 and work backwards, or choose envelopes at random. The options are endless!

Floral designs and horizontal tracking for the 100 Envelope Challenge

Okay, now let’s talk aesthetics. Who says saving money can’t be cute? Check out this printable tracker from Etsy with a cute floral design:

100 Envelope Saving Challenge Tracker Floral DesignAnd if you prefer a more horizontal layout, this tracker from Etsy might be just what you need:

100 Cash Envelope Challenge Tracker HorizontalSee, there’s something for everyone!

Join the savings challenge community

The great thing about the 100 (or 50) Envelope Challenge is that it’s such a popular trend. There are tons of people out there who are trying it out and sharing their progress on social media. Join in on the fun and connect with other savers who are on the same journey as you.

And if you need a little extra motivation, there are also plenty of bloggers and influencers who are sharing their own stories and tips. Check out Budgeting for Bliss’ 30 Day Money-Saving Envelope Challenge:

30 Day Money-Saving Envelope Challenge TrackerOr this post from Pennies Not Perfection:

100 Envelope Challenge Free Printable TrackerThese resources can help you stay on track and motivated as you save towards your financial goals.


The 100 Envelope Challenge (or the 50 Envelope Challenge) is an amazing way to save towards your financial goals. It’s fun, challenging, and customizable. And with so many printable trackers available, it’s also super easy to keep track of your progress. So, what are you waiting for? Start saving those dollars today!