Printable Chakra Chart

As we explore our spirituality, we often come across the term “chakra” – but what exactly is a chakra? In simple terms, a chakra is a wheel-like energy center in our body that helps regulate our physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. There are seven major chakras in our body, each located in a specific location along our spinal cord.

The Root Chakra

Root ChakraThe first chakra, or the root chakra, is located at the base of our spine. It represents our foundation and grounding. When balanced, we feel secure and confident. However, when blocked, we may feel anxious, fearful or lack confidence. Healing techniques like yoga, meditation, and energy healing can help balance our root chakra.

The Sacral Chakra

Sacral ChakraThe second chakra, or the sacral chakra, is located in our lower abdomen. It represents our creativity, sexuality, and emotions. When balanced, we feel confident, creative and balanced. However, when blocked, we may feel disconnected from our emotions or have a lack of creativity. Healing techniques like journaling, creative expression, and intimacy can help balance our sacral chakra.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Solar Plexus ChakraThe third chakra, or the solar plexus chakra, is located in our upper abdomen. It represents our self-esteem, personal power and will. When balanced, we feel confident and empowered. However, when blocked, we may feel a lack of confidence or self-worth. Healing techniques like affirmations, deep breathing and meditation can help balance our solar plexus chakra.

The Heart Chakra

Heart ChakraThe fourth chakra, or the heart chakra, is located in the center of our chest. It represents our ability to love and connect with others. When balanced, we feel compassion, love and empathy. However, when blocked, we may feel disconnected or shut down emotionally. Healing techniques like gratitude, forgiveness and loving-kindness meditation can help balance our heart chakra.

The Throat Chakra

Throat ChakraThe fifth chakra, or the throat chakra, is located at the base of our throat. It represents our ability to communicate and express ourselves. When balanced, we speak our truth with clarity. However, when blocked, we may struggle to express our feelings or thoughts. Healing techniques like journaling, verbal expression and creative communication can help balance our throat chakra.

The Third Eye Chakra

Third Eye ChakraThe sixth chakra, or the third eye chakra, is located at our forehead. It represents our ability to see beyond the physical realm and connect with our intuition and inner wisdom. When balanced, we have inner clarity and insight. However, when blocked, we may feel confused or lack clarity. Healing techniques like meditation, dream work and intuitive practices can help balance our third eye chakra.

The Crown Chakra

Crown ChakraThe seventh chakra, or the crown chakra, is located at the top of our head. It represents our connection to the divine and our spiritual purpose. When balanced, we feel a sense of spiritual connection and purpose. However, when blocked, we may feel disconnected or lost. Healing techniques like prayer, meditation and divination can help balance our crown chakra.

By understanding the location and purpose of each chakra, we can better understand ourselves and work towards a balanced and fulfilling life. I encourage you to explore these techniques and find what works for you. Namaste.