Printable Mood Trackers

Mood tracking has been gaining popularity as a self-care practice to promote self-awareness and mindfulness. It can help you identify patterns, triggers, and behaviors that affect your emotional well-being. Luckily, with the rise of bullet journaling and personal planners, there are now plenty of free printable mood trackers that you can use to document your daily moods and emotions.

Free Printable Mood Trackers for Your Bullet Journal

If you’re looking for some creative yet functional mood tracker ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some of the best free mood trackers that you can find online:

Mood Tracker #1: Colorful Swatches

Colorful Mood SwatchesThis mood tracker features a variety of colorful swatches that represent different moods. Simply color in the swatch that corresponds to your current mood and watch your mood progress over time.

Mood Tracker #2: Floral Bouquet

Flower Mood TrackerThis tracker features a lovely bouquet of flowers that changes colors depending on your mood. At the end of the month, you can see how many days you felt happy, sad, angry, or any other emotion that you want to track.

Mood Tracker #3: Classic Grid

Grid Mood TrackerThis classic grid-style mood tracker is simple yet effective. It allows you to track your moods over the course of a month and see how they fluctuate throughout the week. You can also add notes to each day to record any significant events or triggers that affected your mood.

Mood Tracker #4: Flower Petals

Flower Petals Mood TrackerThis mood tracker uses the petals of a flower to represent your moods. Each petal represents a different emotion, and you can color in the petals according to your mood for that day. By the end of the month, you will have a beautiful flower that shows how your emotions have evolved.

Mood Tracker #5: Lanterns

Lantern Mood TrackerThis mood tracker features cute lanterns that change colors depending on your mood. It’s a great way to track your mood throughout the day or the week. You can also use the extra space to add notes, quotes, or reflections.

Mood Tracker #6: Monthly Spread

Monthly Mood TrackerIf you’re looking for a more comprehensive mood tracker, you might want to try this monthly spread. It allows you to track not only your mood but also your sleep, exercise, hydration, and self-care activities. It’s a great way to see how all these factors affect your overall well-being.

Mood Tracker #7: Plants and Pots

Plants and Pots Mood TrackerThis mood tracker features adorable pots and plants that you can color in with different shades depending on your mood. It’s a great way to incorporate some greenery into your planner while also tracking your emotions.

Mood Tracker #8: Emojis

Emoji Mood TrackerIf you want a mood tracker that’s both cute and straightforward, this emoji tracker is perfect for you. It features different emojis that represent different emotions, and you can color in the emoji that corresponds to your mood for that day. It’s a great way to keep track of your overall emotional state without getting too wordy.

Mood Tracker #9: Mindful Mandalas

Mandala Mood TrackerThis mood tracker features mandalas that you can color in with different hues depending on your mood. Mandalas are known for their calming and mindful properties, so this tracker is not only functional but also therapeutic.

Choosing the Right Mood Tracker

Now that you’ve seen some of the best free printable mood trackers, it’s time to choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Design: Choose a design that speaks to you and reflects your personality or your style of journaling. If you’re into minimalist aesthetics, you might prefer a tracker with clean and simple lines. If you’re into florals, you might like a mood tracker that features flowers, leaves, or petals.
  • Format: Consider whether you want a daily, weekly, or monthly mood tracker. Daily trackers allow you to record your mood multiple times a day, while weekly and monthly trackers give you a broader view of your emotions over time.
  • Functionality: Decide whether you want a mood tracker that’s just for mood tracking or something that incorporates other self-care practices, such as sleep tracking, gratitude journaling, or exercise logging. It all depends on your goals and priorities.
  • Customizability: Look for a mood tracker that allows you to customize it according to your needs. For instance, you might want to add sections for notes, affirmations, or meaningful quotes.


Mood tracking is a useful tool for improving your mental and emotional health. By tracking your moods with the help of a printable mood tracker, you can become more self-aware, manage your emotions better, and develop healthy coping skills. The free printable mood trackers that we’ve featured here are just a few of the many options that you can find online. Experiment with different designs, formats, and functions until you find the one that works best for you. Happy mood tracking!