Printable Photo Book

Have you ever wanted to create an antique book-themed craft or project, but didn’t know where to start? Look no further than these free printable antique book cover background downloads, with images featuring lions, birds, and more.

Lion Cover

Antique book cover featuring a lionThis cover features a majestic lion against a warm, textured background. Perfect for a project with a regal or nature-themed focus.

Vintage Book Pages

Vintage book pagesIf you’re looking for a more muted, classic look, these vintage book pages may be just what you need. They can be easily customized and printed to fit your project’s needs.

Book Folding

Instructions for book foldingInterested in literary-themed origami? These sample instructions and templates for book folding can help bring your vision to life.

Elementary Book Report Forms

Free printable elementary book report formsIf you’re a parent or teacher helping a young reader compile a book report, these printable forms can help make the process smoother and more organized.

Book Page Crafts

Crafts featuring book pagesSometimes the best projects come from repurposing old materials in new ways. These vintage printable book pages are perfect for any number of crafting ideas.

Student Book Covers

Printable student book coversHave a student who needs to create their own book cover for a project? These printable designs can help get their creative juices flowing.

Free Printable Bookmarks

Free printable bookmarks to colorWhether you’re an avid reader or just enjoy aesthetics, these free printable bookmarks can add a touch of color and personality to any book you’re reading.

Printable Books for Preschool and Kindergarten

Free printable books for preschool and kindergarten childrenEarly literacy is important, and these printable books for preschool and kindergarten readers can help lay the foundation for a lifelong love of reading.

Miniature Coloring Books

Free printable miniature coloring booksThese printable mini coloring books are perfect for keeping little hands and minds busy during long car rides, church services, or just quiet afternoons at home.

Blank Name Template

Free printable blank name templateIf you’re creating your own book or project from scratch, this free blank name template can be a helpful starting point.

No matter your crafting or reading interests, these free printable resources are a great starting point for bringing your ideas to life and sparking your imagination. Get creative and have fun!