Printable Rainbow Coloring Sheet

Hey friends! Do you know what’s always a delightful and colorful sight? A rainbow! Whether it’s after a storm or in a painting, rainbows are simply mesmerizing! Today, let’s celebrate the beauty of rainbows by coloring them! Check out these 10 free printable rainbow coloring pages for kids (and adults, too!).

Free Printable Rainbow Coloring Pages for Kids

Rainbow Coloring PageLet’s start with this adorable rainbow coloring page! This is perfect for beginners who are just starting to learn how to color. Look at how cute the little clouds are on each end of the rainbow! You can use any color of your choice, and make this rainbow your own.

Rainbow Coloring Pages - 50 Free Printable Pages | Printabulls

Rainbow Coloring PageHere’s another lovely rainbow coloring page, this time from Printabulls. There are 50 different rainbow coloring pages to choose from on their site, and they’re all free! This particular page has a cute little unicorn in the middle. You can get creative with the colors and use some glitter to make it shine!

Rainbow Coloring PageAnother one from Printabulls is this more abstract rainbow coloring page. There’s a lot of space to experiment with different shades of the same color, or even rainbow colors! You can even color the lines on the page to make it pop out even more.

Rainbow Coloring PageThis rainbow coloring page from Printabulls is a little easier on the eyes, but still just as fun to color! You can use your imagination to add your own personalized touches too.

Rainbow Free Printable Coloring Pages - Coloring Home

Rainbow Coloring PageNext up, we have a more realistic rainbow coloring page from Coloring Home. The rainbow in this coloring page looks like the kind you might see in the sky after a rainstorm. You can use your favorite blue, green, yellow, orange, and red colors to bring this rainbow to life.

Rainbow Coloring Pages - 50 Free Printable Pages | Printabulls

Rainbow Coloring PageThis mini rainbow coloring page from Printabulls is perfect for those who have busy hands but still want to get in touch with their creative side! It’s also a great option for younger kids who don’t have the patience to color a full page. Use bright colors to make it pop!

Rainbow Coloring PageLast but not least, here’s another rainbow coloring page from Printabulls! This one has a cute little panda with a rainbow! Make sure to color the bamboo and the panda with different shades of black and gray! That will make them stand out even more next to the colorful rainbow!

We hope you enjoyed these free printable rainbow coloring pages! Remember, don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different colors and coloring techniques. Coloring is a great way to de-stress and unwind after a long day, so turn on some calming music, grab your favorite coloring pencils, and get started! Happy coloring!